Making a Wedding Album

24 February 2014

Our wedding photos have arrived! Today I went to Kmart to print our memories. On the way out of the store, I spotted a 'do it yourself' photo album. This album is now in my home waiting to be filled. I decided to decorate the album using things from the day including the wedding invitation, service orders, bridesmaid fabric and burlap. I stuck all the bits and pieces down with a glue stick and double sided tape and secured it all a protective plastic sleeve over top. Looking forward to sharing these photos with you!


How have you stored your wedding photos? In albums, on the computer or picture frames?

1 comment:

  1. We have our small number of photos in an album. I tried to do what you are doing with your wedding album for our daughters' weddings.
    Good luck as your put your memories of a wonderful day into something that you can share for many years to come with each other, with family and with friends.
